Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hello Fellas!

Hello fellas!
It’s August 29th 2011. And it’s Monday!
Tomorrow we as Moslems will have a big event which usually called Ied Mubarak, or Idul Fitri 1432H in Bahasa Indonesia.
Anyway, i havent posted any post about the Orientation camp and also the Farewell Party of AFS/YES 2011/2012 candidates a few weeks ago.
Briefly they are all unforgettable, from the candidates itself until the Party!!!!
I used to be a part of the Choir............ and it gave me so many memories.
From the “Bunga melatiiiiiii, pujaan hatiiiii.........yiiiiihawwww!” part, until the collosal performance of us.
I used to remember all things happened, all things we did, all things we passed.
They were all sooooooooo AMAZING! And we Guys know they were all UNFORGETTABLE.
Let me ask all the candidates how do they feel about the Orientation Camp and also the Farewell Party................................................................................?
I just can guess their answer. The answers must be all same!!
For the YES candidates, they have met each other since the first test. But we as AFS candidates have just met each other at the 5-days-Orientation last 3 weeks.
Before we meet, we have had many talks on facebook maybe, and twitter. Just that. Just guess, how did each of us feel when we met each other :D kinda confusing. Kinda funny!
We need to ask for their name, like this.....”Hey what’s your name? Where do you come from?”
And it happens for many time hahahahahahah :D
And the embarassing moment I’ve ever felt is when I ask the same questions for the same person -_________-

For the Bedroom-division, I got room 401 with 

Lidya Sophiani (YES-Bdg),
 Aida (YES-Mlg),
Cindy Ginting (AFS-Smd) and also
Aquarina (YES-Kwg)......
I love them! A LOT!!!! Especially for the “Ibu Kos” Lidya.

And this is me and Lidya :*

And for the Country division, I got Italy with Seira Medina (AFS-Smd) and Nabila Rifa Khansa (AFS-Jkt).
You guys can know how I love them so much.....
And then, for the Farewel Party division, I got Choir division with many other candidates.
There are Faya, Dessy, Lidya, Fairus, Aya, Erik, Levi, vio, Daeng, and maaaaaaaaaaaany others.

And then for the Group Division. I got BELAWAN GROUP with Vitara Caprinita Dewi (YES-Bdg),
 Ibrahim Azizi (YES-Jkt),
 Doni Achsan (YES-Smg),
Ekky A. Pagau (YES-Mlg),
 Jessie Pramana (YES-Jkt).
And for the Group Leader, we have kak Ayumi and kak Widya......

This is me, kak Widya, and Aya

And the last, for the Chapter Division, I was on Chapter Banjarmasin with Dessy Luciana (AFS-Bjm).
She’s going to Germany. And I’m going to Italy.
So this year SOUTH KALIMANTAN has two students who will depart to two different countries.

                              This is Choir and Music division :* :*  


This is me wore that Galuh Banjar outfit


And this is me and my Mom when doing the 'Penyematan' :D

Literally we did maaaaaany many things there. I cant mention them one by one by the way......
You Guys just can realize how proud, how happy, how i miss them a lot.
And also you Guys just can realize how unforgettable, how wonderful, how we love the moment 


The 93 of US!
                                             So, THIS IS US!!!!

                          AND THIS IS THE COMMITTEE, Cheers for thisss