Saturday, July 23, 2011


It’s Saturday, July 23th 2011.
You know what? It’s my last day at school before I’m having a-week-orientation in Jakarta, and a-whole-month-holiday for Islamic fasting day.
Yup, today is my last day at school
my last day in XII science 5
 my last day for being Ayu’s deskmate
 my last day eating at Mimi’s canteen
my last day buying an avocado juice
 my last day mocking at my teachers
my last day calling my headmaster ‘Doraemon’
my last day to be a 3rd grader of Senior High School this year
my last day to memorize all things we’ve spent together

I swear to God that I am so freaking blue to imagine these all until I have to face this by myself.
Firstly, I didn’t know this will be so much hurt as it be, when we need to leave all of the classmates who have known us very well.
I’m so much sad to say today is my last day. Well, I just have one-day-remaining at this school.
Tomorrow is Sunday, then on Monday, I need to pack all things I used to bring.
And on Tuesday, I’ll be in Jakarta for a week. We know like an hour for a week -_________________-

Just imagine, a week without cellphone, without them we loved. Just them who gonna be our mates.
Start from room-mate until country-mate.
Just be nice, Guys  :* :*

And do you Guys know where I am now?
Yup, I am now in my school’s OSIS room. Alone!!!!
Where are my friends? Where are my classmates?
And for the second ‘yup’,
hey are all in the classroom, just doing the Chemistry daily examination.
They’re all studying hard.
They’re all focusing to be the best 3rd grader for each of them

Well, OSIS room’s located right in front of my classroom, so that I can stare at every of my friends here.
They’re all seem so nervous
They’re ask for answer, while I’m holding my notebook and writting this blog.
They’re staring me for minutes.
They seem so funny with the Chemistry Exam on the table, hahahaha :D
And one of my classmates say this to me, “santai banget si lo tik sekolah?!”
Hahahahahah. Funny, eh?

#pokonya gue hari ini harus puas-puasin jadi anak kelas XII di Smada. Harus puas-puasin makan, harus puas-puasin foto-foto tiap sudut sekolah gue. Tiap temen yang gue sayang.
Harus. Jadi sebulan jadi anak kelas XII ga sia-sia. Balik ke sini lagi tetep kelas XII dengan temen-temen yang beda pastinya.
Dari gue nya juga kan ya yang ga boleh sedih, dari gue nya juga kan ya yang harus kuat. Kalo cuman liat muka mereka aja uda nangis gimana mereka?
Gue harus lebih kuat dong ya! Harus. Di mana-mana yang namanya ditinggalin pasti lebih sakit, lebih sedih drpd yang ninggalin.
I need to be stronger. I love my classmates and all my friends without exception. But they love the strong me,
they love my smile,
they love my laugh,
 Briefly they LOVE the cheerful ME!!!
I wanna pass today without tears in my cheeks. I hope so
LOVE YOU GUYS...........................................................................................................................................

Well I’m going to finish my presentation about Indonesia after this.........
Catch y’all later Guys:*

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