Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Italy here I am!

Buonasera a tutti!!!!! <3
Today’s my 5th day in Italy. After doing 2 days orientation in Rome.
And actually I’ll spend about 10 moths here, or about 306 days left or about 7.344 hours left, or about 440.640 minutes left!
I was crying a lot on the first 3 days. I was missing my family, my boyfriend, and my Indonesian Life, and so do Rifa and Seira. The three of us are going to the same country, Italy. 


These are the Three Little Girls 


But I'm going to Napoli which has a Local chapter in Salerno, Rifa is going to Torino, and Seira is going to Brescia.
Literally, Napoli is the 3rd biggest city in Italy after Rome and Milan. And followed by Torino and such other cities.
And I’m happy to live here.
When the three of us having an arrival camp in Rome-Sept 9th until Sept 11th-we went so blue. All of us were crying. It felt like early homesick. Hahaha. 

Ini nihhh cara ngobatin homesick sebelum ketemu sama Hostfam:


Oke tapi ga ngerti kenapa aku yg paling telat. Rifa sama Seira emang udah pada nangis pas awal perjalanan, dan aku yang emang masih bisa sok tegar B) tapi setelah mereka selesai nangis dan kondisi mulai membaik, malah giliran aku yg nangis. Bete banget gk siiih? -_-
But the sadness was turning better when I was being picked up at the train station by Papa e Mama. They gave me a very huge hug and kissed my cheeks <3
They were all kind!!!! I’m so lucky for being hosted by them
Dan sekarang aku udah di rumah, alamatnya di Via Saporito 24, Poggiomarino, Napoly, Italy. sekarang masih summer di sini, tapi overall beda banget sama 'summer' yg aku bayangin. di sini biarpun panas tapi windy! dan anginnya dingiiin sekali! apalagi kalo pagi. kalo pagi suhunya sekitar 15 derajat celcius gitu, lumayan kan buat 'summer'. tapi kalo siang agak panas. dan malem dingin lagi. miriiiiip banget sama Bandung kalo lagi dingin, dan Jakarta kalo lagi panas. Di rumah cuman ada 3 orang. Papa Vincenzo e Mama Rossa Anna. Padahal mereka punya 2 anak cewek. The oldest is Anna; she’s now studying in Rome. And the other one is Stefania; she’s also an AS student who goes to China and also for a year.
And for now, Im being the only one here. Kinda lonely, but my Mama is a housewife, so at least I have someone who I could talk to.
Pemandangan di sini fresh bangeeeeet. Dan kebetulan di belakang rumah ada kebun tomat, jadi kalo mau buat pasta langsung ngambil tomat seger dari belakang rumah, asik yaaaaa ;)
Dan buat makanan, hmmmm jangan ditanya lagi! Nomer satuuuu! Italian people often say,”Numero Uno!!!!” \m/

Questa e la prima colazione

Buat komunikasi, sampe sekarang masi belom terlalu lancar, kebetulan Mama blasteran Switzerland, jadi sedikit2 bisa ngomong pake bahasa Inggris. Tapi kalo Papaaaaaaaa, mohon maaf lahir dan batin ga bisa ngomong bahasa Inggris -_- jadi kalo Papa ngomong, yg ngartiin Mama. Haha whatta hard job, Mom!
Then every singly night, when we’re having dinner, they always give me some new Italian words, and I write the single of them. And after dinner, I practice one by one of the words. And before I go to sleep, I always repeat them, until I can finally recognize them J
I must try hard to be a good Italian Native Speaker. Hahaha, That’s my big expectation for the next 10 months....
And the things you Guys need to know is....... di rumah ada wi-fi!!! Dan ini bener2 bikin aku seeeeneeeeeeng banget. Jadi bisa tetep komunikasi sm yg di Indonesia. Whether family or someone special.
Dan sampe hari ini, aku udah bisa beberapa kata dan pronounciation nya.
Dan sampe hari ini pulaaaa, berat badan aku naik 2 kg. (maaf bapak maaf ibu maaf gilang) hahaa, di sini makan nya banyak dan enak2 semuaaa! Jadi mustahil kalo berat badan ga naik. Tapi bahagianyaa, disini olahraga seimbang. Soalnya kalo mau kemana2 orang sini prefer jalan kaki to naik mobil :]
Nanti cerita2 lagi yaaaaa. 

dan ini link kalo mau liat lebih banyak foto2 Poggiomarino :) http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2384303097009.2139434.1533703707&saved. Just Check it out Guys!

                                             With Love,


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