Thursday, October 6, 2011

La Mia Scuola Italiana


Today, I'm going to tell you some little things about my school.
It's in a city called Sarno. But in fact the school itself not as good as the school I dreamed. Rada ngenes sih, tapi yaudah lah, terima aja. Ga selamanya ini gue di sini. ya kan ya kan?

Pertama. is because of the building. aaaah Italian people are .................... I don't know! Mereka hobi nyoretin tembok. Ga ngerti kenapa, entah mereka kreatif banget atau emang ga punya space buku buat nyoret-nyoret.


Kedua, oraganisasi nya. Aduh subhanallah deh, ga ngerti entah itu sekolah gue aja atau semua sekolah di Italy.
Ketiga, waktu istirahatnya. Miris adalah ketika tau waktu istirahat cuman 5 menit dari awal belajar sampe pulang. Kebayang gimana perut sama otak bisa sinkron coba.
Keempat, Guru sama Kepala Sekolah. Kepala sekolah gue adalah kepala sekolah dari 4 sekolah. Mamma mia! Ada yang bisa bayangin?????
Dan guru-guru di sini pertama ga bisa ngomong bahasa Inggris (kecuali guru bahasa Inggris), kedua guru-guru di sini ga terlalu suka sama Intercultura. Jadi, ada sebagian dari mereka yang nganggep gue gaada. hahahaha.

But it's all okay, since I can show them my best. I just need a little time to cover them out, Guys :)

Oya, di sekolah gue juga ga bisa milih pelajaran kayak sistem di USA atau beberapa sekolah di Belanda. Gue wajib ngikutin seluruh pelajaran yang ada di jurusannya masing-masing. Tapi untungnya, tutor gue bilang, "It's not a necessary for you to study Latino and Philosophy"
(ya seneng banget lah gueeeeee)

Trus juga buat sistem belajarnya, itu bagus banget loh kalo di terapin di Indonesia. Guru-guru ga perlu banyak nulis. Mereka ngomong dan action nya emang bener-bener ada. Sehabis jam pelajaran, mereka selalu nyuruh murid-murid nya buat baca halaman ini sampe ini, pertemuan selanjuut nya bakalan ada 'introgation'. Dan mau ga mau murid-murid jadi nya pada belajar. (termasuk gue)

Trus juga buat pelajaran yang guru nya ga masuk atau emang ga mau masuk.  Kalo jam pelajarannya ada di akhir, siswa-siswi di pulangin. Kalo ada di awal, siswa-siswi masuk sekolah jam pelajaran kedua (cuman buat kelas yang gurunya ga ada) (jadi anak-anak ga buang-buang waktu dan energi di sekolah and do nothing).

Trus lagi, kalo pelajaran kosong di tengah-tengah, sekolah nyediain guru pengganti (substitution) buat gantiin si guru yang ga masuk itu. Jadi jangan kaget kalo guru mata pelajaran tertentu gamasuk tapi ada guru 'asing' yang masuk ke kelas dan ngajar mata pelajarannya. hahah

Dan sekarang gue bakalan bahas sedikit tentang pelajaran di sekolah.
Well, I'm attending a Linguistico Class which focuses on Languages. I'm studying English, Italian, French, Spanish, and a little bit Latino and German. You guys know that me and my deskmate (Corrado) wanted till death to study German, but I don't know why we have to choose and study Spanish....................................................

So, the first assumption that I have is it's very interesting to study a lot of Languages around the world. Don't judge it difficultly. But think what will you get when you can master such those Languages. And you need to have an-open-minded-mind to accept them all.
Languages is the most important thing that people need to have to make a conversation. So for me, (once again) it's very very very important.

Okay, now let's talk about the lessons.


1. Italiano. (Italian)
Italiano (Italian). I thought that it will teaches us still the grammar or even more like in Indonesia, we still learn about how we make a good sentence, how we put the articles rightly, etc. but not in Italy. The students have learned the grammar or something like that since they were in the elementary school. So, we study about the Italian Literature. How was Italy in the Middle Age and many things related to it. (You can imagine how boring it is)

2.  Latino (Latin)
I don't know! I don't even wanna study this. It makes everyone loses their hair.

3. Spagnolo (Spanish)
This year is also the first time for my classmates to study Spanish. So, it isn't any big problem for me. but again, it's difficult. But I always feel like 'wow' to study this because the teacher is kinda handsome, and he likes to stand in front of me (just because I sit in the first row)

4. Inglese (English)
Nothing have to describe I think. But one thing, the English teacher is very very very perfect on the grammars. So be careful ! Ladies and Gents, this subjects also studies about the English Literature!

5. Francese (French)
Again and again, it studies about Literature of France and the conversation in Saturday. Gosh, how boring it is! (and the lesson is always in French. So, I always understand nothing)

6.  Storia dell'Arte. (Art)
I was very happy to know this lesson because I thought that there will be like singing together, or playing certain music instruments, or many things related with practicing in art. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, the reality is just out of my mind! you know, here we study only the theories. And you know it's so much boring.

7. Chimica (Chemistry)
The only subject that I can understand after Math. Because you know that it plays with numbers. And I love it, so much!

8. Matematica (Math)
The first subject that I understand of. It's amazing. And many surprises in it. But you know Guys that the Math teacher is a lil bit deaf.

9. Storia (History)
The worst subject ever. I never have a good mark on it. Even though in Indonesian History. And the history teacher here is so............. I don't know. He hates me because of I can't speak Italian. He's crazy.


10. Filosofia (Philosophy)
For me, It's not Philosophy anymore. It turns into Fucklosophy. The teacher is literally the same with History.

11. Educazione Fisica (PE)
So much Interesting with the games and the activities outside. And also the teacher. Many people love him :)

12.  Religione (Religion)
Since the majority of the Religion is Catholic, so the teacher is also a Catholic. But, We only do something like gossip when we're in the lesson. It's a little bit strange. And the teacher likes to ask me many question about my Religion. It's interesting. So I can explain them a little about Muslim.

So, here I wanna tell you that my Italian life is totally changing. And it changes everything too. In Indonesia, I major Science. But here, I'm attending Linguistic one. That's okay. And I always hope something happens in my new life here. I don't know. I'm just wishing.

So, Gotta meet a Brand New Me soon.!

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