Ciao gente!
Sono sempre io che volevo scrivere qualcosa qui. Oggi magari voglio scrivere qualcosa di perchè mi sento così speciale. a proposito, grazie a Dio.
So today, as what I said Imma write about why I feel kinda both blessed and special.
By the way, every single person has his own positives and negatives, and so am I. Since there are always black and white, dark and bright, young and old, kind and mean, also love and hate. There always be so.
Everyone is simply amazing on his way. Everyone was born just to be awesome. For God's sake, it is fricking true, buddies.
Just look at your surroundings. They are comletely diffrent one to others. But they have such goodnesses on themselves. Remember, we're all amazing in our ways, but we don't own such perfections. Cz practically it's what God owns.
But at a certain point you guys gonna feel such a feeling of mine now. Idk, it's kinda like strange yet great feeling of blessed feeling. I feel so blessed with every single things God has given to me till this breath that I currently breathe now. I got so many. Anyway, because of I'm not a girl not yet a woman, I wish to think maturely like, I don't wanna judge everything spontantly anymore. Cz I did, by the way. It's not exactly the way a lady soon-to-be is using.
Okay. For the very first time, I thank God for giving me my parents and the all of my family (both the natural and the host one).
Yang pertama Bapak sama ibu yang pengertian banget, yang udah ngajarin gue how to be a super discipline girl, yang udah ngajarin gue how to balance both rasa seneng dan prihatin, yang udah ngajarin gue how to be a good moslem, pkknya yang udah ngajarin gue banyaaaaak banget hal dalam hidup (yang tentunya ga bakal ada di kurikulum SD sampe SMA bahkan kuliah).
kalo ditanya sayang? ya udah pasti jawabannya sayang, pake tambahan banget malahan. Oya, mereka juga ngenalin gue what democracy in a family is. Seneng banget kalo udah ngutarain masing-masing ide dan argumen, mau pas abis sholat bareng, mau pas lagi makan, sampe-sampe pas lagi uyel-uyelan bareng di tempat tidur a.k.a ngepepes. Mommy majors science. Ibu orang kesehatan, hobinya nerapin dan nyeramahin kita semua tentang semua ilmu kesehatan yang beliau punya, terutama masalah makanan beserta kadungannya. My daddy majors science, too. Tapi penerapannya, bapak lebih ke sosial, tepatnya ekonom sih. Kalo bapak, jago hitung-hitungan, sama ngeluarin teori-teori tinggi yang super teoritis dan alhasil malah bikin orang bosen kadang-kadang. Bapak orangnya baik, super baik. Kalo marah pasti selalu nasehatin, jaraaaaaaang banget yang ngomel pedes kaya ibu. Sama orang juga baik ga ketolongan. Ga ngerti kenapa. Nah balik lagi ke ibu, ibu orangnya keras, lebih tepatnya berprinsip. Ibu ga suka bertele-tele, mau semuanya serba cepet. Oya satu lagi, the most important thing I really proud of her is...... ibu orangnya struggle banget. Maybe her life motto is kinda 'struggle till die'.
Bapak ibu gue kayanya pada tipe pembaca semua. Ga ngerti kenapa ini ga bisa nular ke gue :( I mean like, buku-buku mereka semuanya berterbaran di rumah udah kaya nyamuk. Tebel-tebel, berat-berat, beda-beda pula.
Well, besides that, my parents give me freedom, the responsible one. They do believe ini me and what I am doing, as long as I do it positively.
Allora, I have one natural brother named Idham. He's about 17 years old this year. He's quite handsome, he's tall, he's soooooo annoying sometimes. NGESELIN, itu udah pasti. He's the one bothering me in almost all of the time. Thus, I got angry on him (for the most of the time actually). But sometimes he got me so lonely without his jokes, I mean including his unfunny jokes. Kadang kangen juga..............................................
namanya juga adek kan ya? :)
My second best parents are (of course) my host parents. The Napoletan one and the Veronese one. I have one in Napoli and another one in Verona. Papà Vincenzo and Mamma Rosanna are from Napoli, Poggiomarino actually.
Papà juara banget kalo masalah makan. Kalo mamma, juara masaknya. She's just the best housewife on earth (after ibu, of course). Who went everyday to a supermarket near my house. She bought things, she cooked well, she cleaned the house, she washed both clothes and dishes, etc. Mamma agak gaptek tapi, jarang banget nyentuh henfons sama komputer. Jadi kalo masalah teknologi, salah besar kalo nanya nya ke Mamma :(
They have two daughters, Anna and Stefania. They are both 22 and 18 years old. They are both beautifull. Anna likes more boyish things. She likes football so fricking much. She makes friends with guys. She smokes. Well, Anna goes to a favorite University in Roma majoring Economics, and so does Stefania. But she goes to (also) a favorite University in Milano. Stefania had the same experience as me since she went to China for a year as an exchange student. è fighissima come l'esperienza.
Biasanya di rumah juga ada Nonna alias nenek atau eyang. Namanya Nonna Anna, Anna Maria. Beliau tinggal di deket rumah host parents gue, tapi tiap malem bobo manja di rumah. Paginya baru balik. Hobinya ngomong. Jadi kalo kesempetan berduaan sm gue pasti ngomongnya panjaaang banget kaya jarak Indonesia-Italia. And even, things were going worse when...................................................................... Nonna nanya hal yang sama berulang kali, kaya 'Tik, Banjarmasin itu hutan ya? soalnya kalo di peta kan warnanya ijo'. Rese banget kan ya? hiks. Kalo nanyanya sekali, atau paling engga sekali sebulan kek masih wajar kan ya. Lah kalo ini almost everyday, man! ALMOST EVERYDAY. I was like........ holycrap let me kill myself then. haha. Canda yaaaaaaaaa, Nonna sayang.
Nah kalo yang ini, anggota keluarga yang gaboleh ketinggalan disebut. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, POCHOOOOOOOOO. The cutest dog I owned on earth. Luv luvvvvvv.
Yes baby, overall they are all as lovable as my natural family.
I love them, and till this breath I breathe, I miss them deeply.
Host parents yang kedua, adalah mereka yang di Verona. Papà Gabriele dan Mamma Milena. They are all soooooooooo lovable toooooooooo. Mereka baik banget. Even I'm out of words in describing them by sentences. They are kinda vegetarians, they love natures and children. They love cultures, since they have hosted many exchange students, including one of Indonesian student one year ahead of me, named kak Gea.
So briefly I've been in several condition and situation, also types of families in my life. And they are all amazing. I really thank God for this anyway.
Mereka punya satu anak cowo dan satu anak cewe. Namanya Filippo sama Giuditta. They are also the best siblings I've ever had. Terutama Filippo. The first and the best big brother of mine, since in Indonesia I have no BIG brother by the way. He took care of me a lot. Oh Imma spread all affections I have to all of youuuuuuu. I swear to God for this.
Giuditta went to India also as an exchange student in 2010. But She didn't finish it cz probably she had some problems with the family or the environment.
It didn't change my love for her by the way. My love for her is sooooooooo endlessly.
Okay, So GOD, please let me thank You for this kind of blessing you lend me.
The second most important thing in my life after parents and families is....................................................................... my buddies.
I got uncountable loves for them. I prefer making friends than craving for boyfriends. Being a single is not that bad, girls #maafcurcol.
Basically, friends are another important thing for me. I probably just can't live without friends.
Sebenernya gue bukan tipe orang yang mudah bersahabat. Tapi gue punya sepabrik temen, cz 'segudang' is going too mainstream. It needs both time and process, guys. 'Gak semua temen bisa jadi sahabat lo, Tik', that was what exactly I tell myself.
Gue, juga bukan tipe peneman cewek. Idk why I just can't stick easily to girls. I make friends logically instead of by feelings... Soalnya menurut pengalaman gue selama 18 taun hidup di dunia, gue selalu susah stick into girls gang instead of boys ones. Entah faktor apa yang buat gue demikian. Tapi gue mungkin adalah orang terenjoy yang gapunya temen cewe on earth. Temen cewe gue bisa banget diitung pake jari tangan (ga nyampe kaki loh ya).
I got best friends. Best friends from high school, best friends of childhood, best friends of everyone.
Mungkin beberapa masih best friends-soon-to-be. Tapi mereka baiiiiiik banget, dan super ngerti.
And here they are...............................................................................................................................
(Maybe photos are not a good way on showing you guys my best friends).
It's not about how many photos I have with them, how many times we hang out together, how many times we let everyone knows that we're together, and for how long we've been best friends. But it's all about how much affections we've given one to others, how much love spread among us, how care we to others, and how we can feel both safe and comfort when we tell them stories and even secrets.
My best friends are so.
Sentences tadi bukan bullshits, itu emang gue yang bikin, dan gue yakin banget itu emang bener, karena emang gue yang rasain kan ya hehahaehe.
Jadi, bener kalo sahabat itu adalah orang yang bakal ada di saat susah maupun seneng, yang bisa take and give bareng lo. Tapi makna sahabat jangan lo patok buat orang-orang yang selalu ada non stop 24 jam buat lo, orang yang ada deket rumah lo atau orang yang paling sering jalan sama lo. Kalo menurut pemahaman gue itu sih salah ya.
Jadi gini.....................................................................................................................
Basically gue punya sahabat dari SD, cowok (again and again). Kita cuman satu sekolah sampe SMP doang. SD kerjaannya berantem sama ledek-ledekan sampe nangis dan adu-aduan ke ortu. Tapi pas SMP duduk jadi sebelahan, biarpun masih sering berantem dan cubit-cubitan bahkan ludah-ludahan.
Lulus SMP, masuk SMA (yaiyalah). Nah mulai SMA ini kita mulai pisah, udah jarang ketemu, jarang ludah-ludahan bareng, jarang jalan bareng, dll. Tapi yang gue salut sama persahabatan ini adalah kita ga pernal lupa buat ngabarin satu sama lain buat cuman sekedar ngasih dan nanya kabar.
Persahabatan masih berjalan sampe sekarang. Sekarang kita makin jauh karna kuliah di beda kota. Udah jarang banget ketemu, jarang jalan, malah yang lebih parah buat foto baren buat kenang-kenangan aja bisa diitung pake jari tangan kiri. Ironis? ember.
tapi ya tadi, kalo kita punya prinsip sahabat itu ga mesti orang yang paling sering ketemu, paling sering kontekan, paling sering foto bareng, LDBF atau Long Distance Best-Friendship gini bakal terus jalan (Insya Allah). In the name of God and love, we'll keep this friendship eternally...................
Kalo temen-temen deket pas SMA, rata-rata temen-temen di MPK-OSIS. They are too many to be mentioned by the way.
Sekarang, temen-temen kuliah gue juga pada super baik. Ada yang baik banget, baik aja, sampe sedikit baik. Tapi ya overall baik semua sih, hehee. Ada yang dekeeet banget, deket aja, sampe agak dan sedikit deket.
Cardio13: Tika, Zaki, Echa, Bethari, Aruni, Nadia, Bella
AFSers! (Tika-Dessy-Kak Fey-Eric-Fathiya-Tiara-Irin-Ijon-Marsha)
LOVES (Bule-Bram-Tika-Yasmin-Kopleng-Gegeh-Fiddy-Icha-Vinna-Candut-
So, briefly I thank God for letting me know these amazing and inspirational people and bestfriends to me. They mean a lot for me.
Alhamdulillah. I just can't stop saying that. Yes, I feel so much blessed on every blessings I got.
And again and agai, I thank God for this. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.....................................
Sekian sesi bersyukur malem ini, semoga bermanfaat. hahaha. Amiiiiiin.
I suggest you guys to keep your friendship eternally for every cases happened at the end. I love y'all.