Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Holly Holiday of Ours

So guys, what's on your mind when you hear such a holly word like ...................... HOLIDAY??

You must be feel such super splendid feelings of happiness, joyfulness, blessed, an so on. Terlebih kalo lo pada adalah anak FK, yang konon katanya jarang banget punya waktu buat liburan (alright, so this is what I'm feeling exactly).

Konon katanya juga, anak-anak FK pada kuper, jarang bisa ngajak dan diajak jalan.
anak-anak FK nge date nya cuman sama buku doan tiap hari.
anak-anak FK temennya itu-itu doang.
anak-anak FK mah boro-boro mau pacaran, luangin waktu buat refreshing aja susah minta ampun.

Okay, so those are some salty people's comments of what a medical student really is.
But wait, it's not one-hundred-percent true, palls.
At the very beginning, I was one of them. I mean one of those judgers. But slowly I can make those salty comments turn sweeter. Yang jalanin gue kok, yang ngerasain gue. Ternyata komen-komen orang di luar sana ga semuanya bener. Asal kita bisa bagi waktu aja sih :)

Okay, yang tadi sekedar curhat yaaaa.
Jadi klimaks ceritanya adalah in a part I'm about to write below, sebentar lagi.................................

Most of anak-anak FK bakal girang setengah mampus kalo denger kata LIBURAN di tengah-tengah jadwal ujian praktikum, ujian skills lab, ujian blok, ujian osce, tutorial, bahkan jadwal KTI mereka. Maybe I could slightly conclude that 'mau libur sehari apa dua hari, yang penting itu namanya libur' (showing hopeless faces).
Jadi, gue sama temen-temen lagi punya beberapa hari (I mean lebih dari satu-dua hari) libur, while the others are so busy with their finals hahahahaha. Sebenernya belom liburan sih, masih a holiday-soon-to-be. Soalnya tar tanggal 11 masih ada kinda exam gitu.

Hari pertama-kedua-ketiga libur ga ngapa-ngapain, itung-itung bisa bed rest sekalian perbaikan gizi selama kuliah waktu itu. Tapi hari-hari setelahnya udah pada bingung mau ngapain, saking free nya. Biasanya pada kebingungan nyuri-nyuri waktu istirahat sama makan, saking sibuk dan ga bisa ditinggalnya belajar. AAAH LELAAAAH.

This is what we did on the first days of holiday 

Sampe suatu hari we planned to go to somewhere (that we used to be 'we dont know' so much). And after taking hours of thingking, we got an idea to go to Waterboom in my city (it's kinda on the suburb on my city actually). We made plans, we told each of us for coming, we were soooooooo happy to the sky and back.

That day (exactly yesterday, January 7th 2014).

Some of us went there by cars and others by motorcycles. I made plans with my close friends, hopping they will be coming as me. But unfortunatelly not all of them were so. The guys coming were just me, Zaki, Acid, and Winda. Echa and Dede weren't.
We had a lotta fun, super fun I mean.

I was on Keken's car. There were Keken (of course), Yudha, Bella, Memes, Abu, Me, Popon and Zaki inside. We laughed for things, we chilled, we did jokes, we gossiped things (as what we usually do).
We arrived pretty late gara-gara nungguin Abu sang guest star.

We entered, then................................................ Taaaaaaa-daaaaaa! we found Acid inside with his super wet outfit due to swim. Luar biasa!! dasar Sorbente :3

We put our clothes off, then went directly to wahana-wahana di sana. haaha
We tried Twister boom, slider boom, and many others.
We entered at around 11 and went home at around 16.

Again, We had lotta fun there! We refreshed! Chilling out togheter with jokes! So fun....................

Here we are....... Cheers...

The girls

my Sorbente! 


A holiday seeker, Atika

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