Monday, October 3, 2011

Welcome October!

Buonasera a tutti!

Anyway, September has just left and noooooow, October’s just begun. And I’m kinda confuse what I have to feel.  Whether happy or sad.

First, I am very happy because now I meet October and going to pass it in anothe country-Italy, and it was my dream country I’ve dreamed lately.

And second, I am also very sad because of now, I’ve just left my birthmonth, where I got many many surprises for my birthday. I got many things to remember in this month. But the show must go on. So Here we come, October  :)

It was so much right to greet the new October, because the first day in October I’ve got many things can’t be forgotten. 

The first was in my class, I just didn’t know why do I can solve the problems easily. I just like being the one who loves Math very much, while the others were just like........................................... “what the hell is now going on? I prefer to do Philosophy that this kind of hell subject!”

“hahahahahahahaha”, I just can laughed because I was surely don’t know what I have to answer. And the moment was instantly turning awkward...................................................................... and everyone was silent.

The second was about the Presentation that me, Pino, Adriano, and Imma have done. It was like a promotion of Intercultura (a program where I am now) by doing something like a presentation. So anyway, you Guys have already known who they are, so it’s better not to introduce them anymore.

This was the presentation room

These were the audiences.

Allora (pake gaya anak muda Italy yang rada berirama), we went to Stefania’s school this Saturday, which was the first day in October.
Jadi ceritanya Sabtu kemaren kita presentasi tentang Intercultura gitu. Di Liceo Scientifico apa gitu namanya lupa. Sekolah nya di atas bukit. Agak sedikit lebih tinggi dari sekolah gue. Oke jadi gw dan mereka presentasi nya di aula nya gitu. Dan 2 sessions. Sesi pertama buat anak kelas 2 (secondo anno) dan yang kedua buat anak kelas 3 (tertsa anno). Presentasi nya bentuk slides beserta Video AFS Italy (leaving and coming). 

Trus pas slides nya selesai, masing-masing dari Adriano (Returnee AFS-USA & Personal Assistant gue),  

Imma (Returnee AFS-Finland) 

dan gue sendiri

kita semua nyeritain pengalaman selama setahun di luar negri. Mereka sih ngomong lancar banget kaya kereta express Jakarta-Jogja, karena emg mother language nya bahasa Italy. Nah gue? Mother language gue kan Indonesia, kalo gue ngomong pake bahasa Indonesia gimana ceritanya. Ahah

Lagi-lagi gue dapet giliran terakhir buat ngomong, but it was great. Gw jadi ga terlalu nervous yang serasa lagi di tembak cowok. Dan pas gue mulai ngomong, gue ngeluarin jurus jitu gue, cuman bilang gini, “Ciao! Buongiorno a tutti. Mi chiamo Atika, sono Indonesiana, Io vevo a Poggiomarino”
trus ngelanjutin dengan, “It’s been 3 weeks I’m here. And I’ve already learned the differences between these two countries. But you know Guys, mi piace mangiare l’italiani tantoooooo. E miei genitori Italiani sono bellisimo!”.
Dan ga tau kenapa mereka berdiri terus tepuk tangan gitu deh, sambil nyiulin kencek banget, “piwwwwwitttt”

 Trus Pino (President of Salerno Chapter) bilang, “how can you speak fluently Italiano while you’re just 3 weeks here?”
And I answered silently..................................................................................... “non lo so”

Hahahaha, It flowed by itself. I didn’t know how can I spoke like that. It was kinda like a miracle in front of hundreds of people.
Dan hari itu, gue berasa jadi dokumenter handal yang moto tiap detik acaranya; apapun bentuknya, kapanpun situasi nya.
And when it finished, There were groups of people who came to me and say, “un foto!”
Then I gave them the camera and they took photos with me. Hahaha berasa artis gue hari itu sumpah haha.


And.............................. finito!

The third is I was having a lot of fun with my best classmates; Giovanna, Rita, and Corrado.
We went to Giovanna’s house after school by train (and I didn’t buy the ticket from Sarno-Scafati) #jangandicontohya.
Dan pas sampe, taroh tas, terus langsung makan........
Like what I’ve said, orang Italy makan bener-bener banyak dan pake tahap, hari itu:

1.       Pasta (kalo gasalah namanya Tortelinni karena pake spinach sama ricotta formaggio)
2.      Pollo e mais e finocchio e patatina (ayam pake kentang)
3.      Frutto
4.      E dolce. And 2 for each person. Stupid! It was toooo much.

Dan abis makan, yang di Indonesia biasanya nurunin makanan bisa cuman dalam waktu 10-15 menit, di sini 3 jam juga berasa masih kenyang ! parah bettttt, parbet!
But we had such a lot of fun there, and I met Pasquale; Giovanna’s brother. He’s very cute. And I like him for playing. Lui ha dodichi anni. Due anni piu piccollo di mio fratello.

We took thousands of photos, we made many videos, we sang a lot of songs. Then we did the homework for a week ahead. And ................................... it was totally fun! And I won’t forget it buddies!.

The fourth was....... in the evening, noi (Io, Mama, e Papa') abbiamo andato a casa di Zia Palmina. gak terlalu jauh dari rumah, jadi di rumah Zia Palmina ada 2 keluarga. keluarga nya Zio Mimo dan Zio Antonio.
Oke, jadi kemaren itu kesana buat nonton bareng pas Napoli tanding. dan biasa lah laki-laki......... Papa', Mimo, Vittorio, Zio Antonio, e Zio Mimo ribut bangeeeeet bener bener literally rumah rame banget dan ga pernah diem. They did Jokes a lot. and for us the female (Io, Mama, Zia Palmina, Zia Teressa, e Palmira) were just doing the same things but didt know for what. hahahahahahahahahahhaha

Well maybe this is enough, grazie mille a tutti! Ti voglio bene ! 


Hafizh said...

tortelinni kali :D btw, im one of your lil' brother's friends at school. Hope i could be like you.. i wanna study in England

Nurulrezki Atika said...

wah temennya Idham?