Tuesday, November 8, 2011

La Bella Città, Napoli

It's a little bit late but no matter. I'm going to post this~
So, a few days ago there were 3 days of holidays or maybe something like holy-days for Italian people and also for European people and Catholic people. 
The first day was a day of  "All Saints" or in Italiano "Tutti Santi". And the second day was a day for "All Death" or in Italiano "Tutti Morti". Gue ga terlalu ngerti apa maksut dari liburan ini semua tapi well, gapapa lah ya itung-itung ngeliburin otak 3 hari.
Dan yang bikin gue seneeeeeeeng banget adalah................................

The first day of those holidays or in Italiano "Ponti", Gue ke Napoli bareng anak-anak chapter Napoli dan Castellamare di Stabia.
So there were me (absolutely), Iva, Sander, Thanya, and Marta. I think that this day was one of the best days in my life. 

Tanggal 31 Oktober, yang juga ada peringatan Silly-But Fun-Halloween, if I'm not mistaken at 10 a.m I was already at Iva's house in Pomigliano d'Arco. era abbastanza vicino della casa mia. And I met also Maddalena (her mom), Paola (her sister), and Maglia (her dog). We (me and Iva) did some silly things together while Maddalena and Paola weren't there). We did something like a karaoke for such many songs, and took some photos before finally we departed from her house for starting our "Little Journey". And we walked to the nearest station for 30 minutes (but fortunately it was incredibly fun), And we took the train (without buying the bigliet, sssst).


and for another 15-20 minutes, we arrived in Piazza Garibaldi-Napoli.
And we were waiting for Thanya, Sander and Marta.
After we met each other, we did something like a beautiful-fun-and ridiculous-hugs among the people in that station.
So, anyway Sander-a 15 years old guy from Belgium, was look like my brother. That's why I always 'love' him.
Okay, so the "little journey" was just started since we went out from the station.

After that, we took a bus that brought us to a famous-great-and historical Castle in Napoli. "Castel Nuovo Museo Civicio".



 Come Galeria a Milano.

And then, we decided to look for some good Pizzeria to eat Pizza (absolutely).
While we're looking for them, we passed through many good places. Other castles and historical places. 

Dan akhirnya nemu Pizzeria di deket Spanish Center di jalan-jalan tikus Napoli. 
Berasa di film-film Eropaaa.
Pas liat daftar menunya, kita semua pada semangat banget. Kenapa? Karena ada tulisan "Coperto 20%" yang kita semua kira itu diskon untuk per orang. Siapa yang gak seneng coba?

yaudah pesen 1 Pizza Margherita, 1 Pizza Margherita con Patatina Fritta, dan 1 Pizza apa namanya lupa. trus minumnya coke 5. (dengan harapan utk per orangnya gak lebih dari 5 euro). yang 1 pizzanya rata-rata harganya 4-6 euro.

Pas udah selesai makan, liat bill nya....... The total price was 41 euro! GILA! gmn ceritanya jadi tiap orang harus bayar 8 euro something! Hiks langsung tekorrrr. Gue sama 4 orang lainnya langsung liat-liatan muka ngenes gitu~

Pas nanya Mamma sama Papa' via telfon, ternyata Coperto itu bukan diskon atau korting atau apa lah. Coperto itu service! buat meja, buat service nya itu sendiri. yah bete! mending makan Pizza sambil berdiri kalo gini ceritanya. bayar meja lebih mahal dari pizzanya. gila emang.
tapi tapi tapi, pengalaman yang gini yang bener-bener mahal! gabakal dapet kalo ga terjun sendiri. ga bakal dapet kalo cuman dengerin pengalaman yg sama dari orang lain. 

Abis dari Pizzeria, mampir ke Gelateria buat beli Es Krim. 
trus sambil makan sambil jalan ke tempat-tempat bersejarah lainnya..
Dan kurang lebih pukul 5.45, Gue, Sander, Iva sama Marta udah ready di Binario 2 dan 3 for taking the train to go home. Gue sama Iva ke Pomigliano, Sander sama Marta ke Castellamare. Sebelum pulang lagi....... kita dadah-dadahan. Sedih sih abisan. maunya terus-terusan ketemu. hiks (mewek dan ga lucu haha)

When we were in the train, There were an incomplete family who talked so fucking loud and it was so fucking annoying! Gue ngerti orang Italy emang kalo ngomong kenceng-kenceng banget. tapi ga segitunya juga kali ngomong sampe kedengeran di mana-mana.

After arriving in Pomigliano, we bought two tickets for the bus. and it successfully brought us home :3 And that night, I was sleeping in her house. So, it was kinda awesome. and it was one of the best nights that I have. But the plain thing was there wasn't any Halloween celebration. And it was so suckkkkkks. but okay, at least I can spend the whole night with my best-Japanese-Croatian-girl. 

Dan besoknya, Gue sama keluarga nya Iva jalan-jalan ke Vesuvio di Napoli. We couldn't see anything because actually the weather is not as good as we hoped. So, we only went to the place where we can know the Volcano's activities (and it seemed look like a museum).


Sekitar jam 3 an sampe rumah dan siap-siap di jemput Papa' e Mamma..............

Grazie mille per il questo momento. Vi voglio bene ragazzi!

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