Still...It's been a long time. And now I decided to reopen my blog to write something from my own diary #cieee #unyu.
Well today's already February 24th which means it remains a few months for staying here, in the middle of Napoletan people. But guys, I'm not about to post something blue or something about my 'I-won't-go-home'.
Ok, I'll write about the things happened on February 21st. Anyway our school gave us three days of holidays because generally on February 21st and 22nd are Carnival days which also contains religious beliefs in. Firstly I thought that it'll be so fun by seeing people dressed themselves up; they pretended to be gorgeous stars of even those 'very-cute' cartoon characters. But all I passed was totally different. I didn't see those people, I didn't dress myself up, I didn't celebrate this-year-carnival.
Jadi begini ceritanya..........................................................
Pagi ditanggal 21 Februari itu gue diajak Anna ke Pompei buat beli syal-syal nya Napoli. Karena malemnya bakalan ke Stadion San Paolo buat nonton Napoli-Chelsea. Terus kita ke Castel dell'Ovo di Napoli, buat iseng-iseng kali aja pemain Chelsea lg pada ke sana. Eh bener, pas sampe gue yang 'buseeeeeet! 17 tahun hidup baru kali ini ngeliat Drogba, Torres, Lampard, Terry, dll langsung. Bener-bener cuman beberapa meter di depan mata'. Tapi kondisi gak terlalu kondusif karena banyak wartawan, kamerawan, dan orang-orang yg gak kalah semwraut pengen foto bareng pemain Chelsea.
Pertandingan mulai jam 20.45 tapi gue, Anna, dan Francesco (sahabat Anna) udah dengan atribut lengkap sampe di Stadion San Paolo jam 4 sore. Sepanjang perjalanan kita nyanyi, ketawa sambil makan-makanan yg dibekalin mamma di tas ransel biru tosqa-ku. Sejenak jadi keingetan gimana freak nya gue sama Persija atau Timnas Indonesia. Gak mau ketinggalan, temen-temen di Indonesia yg saat itu lg pada 'ngegosipin' Napoli-Chelsea pada tebak-tebakan skor akhir. Ada yg bilang 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, dll. Prediksi mereka bervariasi. Gue, yang tau permainan Napoli di beberapa pertandingan terakhir gak terlalu memuaskan, gak muluk-muluk. Gue prediksiin 1-1 buat Napoli-Chelsea.
Well now, forget about those score predictions. Let's talk about what we've sung about. It was about Napoli. Anna and Francesco have taught me many Napoletan songs; and it was obviously hard to memorize. They were all in dialect; which were 109545839 times more difficult than Italian itself.
I tried to memorize well, I pronounced as shit, but I understood as well. We let the car's windows opened. Then all people outside could hear us easily (omg this sounds so bitchy).
Honestly I won't tell you guys about the lines that we did before entering the stadium. It was too tired to be told. It was so tiring as hell.
And believe it or not, it was one of my happiest day ever ever and ever! My emotion was burnt, and so did my adrenalin. I was so ready with all things in 'light-blue' which in Italian is 'Azzuri'. I took a lot of photos during the day and the match.
I saw Petr Cech and friends did such a 'Goalkeepers'-warming-up'. I was so exited while the others were just like mocking at them. Then at the same time, our Napoli entered to do as same warming up as Chelsea did.
Then at 20:45 the match began. It was so hot. Each team played well. Awalnya, Napoli ketinggalan 0-1 dengan Chelsea, tapi gak berapa lama kemudian goal pertama Napoli dicetak Pocho Lavezzi (22). Penonton di tribun semuanya langsung teriak, nyanyi, peluk siapapun itu di kanan dan kiri mereka, kayak gue, Anna dan Francesco. I sincerely loved the way we celebrated the goal. Francesco hugged us while singing 'weeee! oleee ole ole ole, Pocho Pocho!
Then di menit-menit terakhir babak pertama, gawang Cech dibobol lagi oleh sang 'El Matador', Edison Cavani. Sorak-sorai dan teriakan pun terdengar jelaaaaaas sekali dari tribun dan yg pasti kanan kiri depan belakang gue. One more celebration, dudes! We hugged each other.
Selama 15 menit waktu istirahat, kita makan makanan yg disanguin mamma, kayak roti isi daging sapi, sama snacks lainnya.
2nd Half time was started, and we sang all along the match. We wouldn't stop it until we won! 'Perchè vogliamo vincere, vogliamo vincere, per sempre!'
Peluang-peluang belum membuahkan hasil, sampai usaha umpan dari Cavani yg disambut mulus oleh Pocho akhirnya membuat lega para Tifosi Napoletani. Dan lagi....Sorak sorai dan selebrasi pun digelar bebas! haha
Pertandingan berakhir dengan skor 3-1 untuk Napoli. That's why I'm proud to be Napoletana! That's why I'm proud to say that I love Napoli!
Di hari yang sama, Bologna berhasil menekuk Fiorentina 2-0 (gak penting sih padahal).
Well briefly, just for saying, it wasn't my first time to go to that stadium or to see Napoli's players. But it was my first time to feel that excited. It was even undescribable. I couldn't describe how excited and how happy I was at that day. It was just like kak Irvan who went to San Siro to watch a certain match of Inter.
This thing that I want to thank whether to AFS or to Italy itself for bringing me to this kind of wonderful year. I can see such many football matches easily; especially for Serie A! Aaaah I'm dying as hellllll. I love this country. I just wanna tell you guys that it was about sense, atmosphere and the spirit! I got it all here which I got them differently when I was still and will be in Indonesia (again). This will be one of thousands things that I'll miss when I'm home #cieeeee #galau #iwontgohome #withoutyou #football.

Well today's already February 24th which means it remains a few months for staying here, in the middle of Napoletan people. But guys, I'm not about to post something blue or something about my 'I-won't-go-home'.
Ok, I'll write about the things happened on February 21st. Anyway our school gave us three days of holidays because generally on February 21st and 22nd are Carnival days which also contains religious beliefs in. Firstly I thought that it'll be so fun by seeing people dressed themselves up; they pretended to be gorgeous stars of even those 'very-cute' cartoon characters. But all I passed was totally different. I didn't see those people, I didn't dress myself up, I didn't celebrate this-year-carnival.
Jadi begini ceritanya..........................................................
Pagi ditanggal 21 Februari itu gue diajak Anna ke Pompei buat beli syal-syal nya Napoli. Karena malemnya bakalan ke Stadion San Paolo buat nonton Napoli-Chelsea. Terus kita ke Castel dell'Ovo di Napoli, buat iseng-iseng kali aja pemain Chelsea lg pada ke sana. Eh bener, pas sampe gue yang 'buseeeeeet! 17 tahun hidup baru kali ini ngeliat Drogba, Torres, Lampard, Terry, dll langsung. Bener-bener cuman beberapa meter di depan mata'. Tapi kondisi gak terlalu kondusif karena banyak wartawan, kamerawan, dan orang-orang yg gak kalah semwraut pengen foto bareng pemain Chelsea.
Pertandingan mulai jam 20.45 tapi gue, Anna, dan Francesco (sahabat Anna) udah dengan atribut lengkap sampe di Stadion San Paolo jam 4 sore. Sepanjang perjalanan kita nyanyi, ketawa sambil makan-makanan yg dibekalin mamma di tas ransel biru tosqa-ku. Sejenak jadi keingetan gimana freak nya gue sama Persija atau Timnas Indonesia. Gak mau ketinggalan, temen-temen di Indonesia yg saat itu lg pada 'ngegosipin' Napoli-Chelsea pada tebak-tebakan skor akhir. Ada yg bilang 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, dll. Prediksi mereka bervariasi. Gue, yang tau permainan Napoli di beberapa pertandingan terakhir gak terlalu memuaskan, gak muluk-muluk. Gue prediksiin 1-1 buat Napoli-Chelsea.
Stadio San Paolo, Napoli 2012
Il biglietto della partita
Well now, forget about those score predictions. Let's talk about what we've sung about. It was about Napoli. Anna and Francesco have taught me many Napoletan songs; and it was obviously hard to memorize. They were all in dialect; which were 109545839 times more difficult than Italian itself.
I tried to memorize well, I pronounced as shit, but I understood as well. We let the car's windows opened. Then all people outside could hear us easily (omg this sounds so bitchy).
Honestly I won't tell you guys about the lines that we did before entering the stadium. It was too tired to be told. It was so tiring as hell.
And believe it or not, it was one of my happiest day ever ever and ever! My emotion was burnt, and so did my adrenalin. I was so ready with all things in 'light-blue' which in Italian is 'Azzuri'. I took a lot of photos during the day and the match.
Para supporter dengan atribut lengkapnya.
I saw Petr Cech and friends did such a 'Goalkeepers'-warming-up'. I was so exited while the others were just like mocking at them. Then at the same time, our Napoli entered to do as same warming up as Chelsea did.
The Goalkeepers' warming up
Then at 20:45 the match began. It was so hot. Each team played well. Awalnya, Napoli ketinggalan 0-1 dengan Chelsea, tapi gak berapa lama kemudian goal pertama Napoli dicetak Pocho Lavezzi (22). Penonton di tribun semuanya langsung teriak, nyanyi, peluk siapapun itu di kanan dan kiri mereka, kayak gue, Anna dan Francesco. I sincerely loved the way we celebrated the goal. Francesco hugged us while singing 'weeee! oleee ole ole ole, Pocho Pocho!
Then di menit-menit terakhir babak pertama, gawang Cech dibobol lagi oleh sang 'El Matador', Edison Cavani. Sorak-sorai dan teriakan pun terdengar jelaaaaaas sekali dari tribun dan yg pasti kanan kiri depan belakang gue. One more celebration, dudes! We hugged each other.
Selama 15 menit waktu istirahat, kita makan makanan yg disanguin mamma, kayak roti isi daging sapi, sama snacks lainnya.
2nd Half time was started, and we sang all along the match. We wouldn't stop it until we won! 'Perchè vogliamo vincere, vogliamo vincere, per sempre!'
Peluang-peluang belum membuahkan hasil, sampai usaha umpan dari Cavani yg disambut mulus oleh Pocho akhirnya membuat lega para Tifosi Napoletani. Dan lagi....Sorak sorai dan selebrasi pun digelar bebas! haha
Pertandingan berakhir dengan skor 3-1 untuk Napoli. That's why I'm proud to be Napoletana! That's why I'm proud to say that I love Napoli!
Di hari yang sama, Bologna berhasil menekuk Fiorentina 2-0 (gak penting sih padahal).
This thing that I want to thank whether to AFS or to Italy itself for bringing me to this kind of wonderful year. I can see such many football matches easily; especially for Serie A! Aaaah I'm dying as hellllll. I love this country. I just wanna tell you guys that it was about sense, atmosphere and the spirit! I got it all here which I got them differently when I was still and will be in Indonesia (again). This will be one of thousands things that I'll miss when I'm home #cieeeee #galau #iwontgohome #withoutyou #football.

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