Allora Ciao, gente! come state? Spero che state bene come me.
Beh, maròòòòòòòna mia da quanto tempoooooo!
Yep, it's ben so fricking long since the last time I wrote something here. The only thing I was willing to write here was all about my exchange experiences. And guess what? now, it's been twoooooo yeaaaaars since I returned back home. aaah so sad by the way. Allright, since I've barely said that it's been too long to not visit and write something down here, now I decide to write something about......... New Year! Woohoooo, another brand-new life on another brand-new year of 2014.
Okay, so my aim is to renew and clean my super dusty blog by sharing something and (exactly), spreading loooooove.................. SO HERE THE STORY IS.....
Well basically I've been through my super amazing yet challenging teenage life, I mean the best time in the first 17 years of my life in Italy as an exchange student from Indonesia. It ended in 2012. But wait, 2013 was also great! when I was become a postpone-graduated 12th grader in my High school. I made friends. I shared lotta things. I studied as hell. I telled stories. Yup, that's how an exchange student is treated :)
I studied like crazy craving for the national exam on the beggining of July that year. Till it passed, I got so-so scores by the way. One more time Alhamdulillah.
Then, the Universties application-time was beginning. Everyone was busy with their choices.
Some chose such favorite Universities, but some didn't. I stucked as hell of what Uni I should choose. And finally I chose UGM for the first choice and UNLAM for the second. Another Alhamdulillah-yelling, I got accepted in Lambung Mangkurat University (the only one University in South Kalimantan, the current city I live in) on the major or Medical Faculty. Woohooo it seemed sooo amazing, huh?
So, then I had 3 months (or even more) holiday. Yippieeeeeeeeeeee.
Wait! I also got Chickenpox in that period. So fckkkkkkuuuuu my life then. I gotta cancel every single plan I've made to go to such places I dreamed. haaaah lelaaah.
Well, till the holiday is over, I entered my College life. God damn it! it was so fricking different. From the building, the classroom, the mates, the outfit, and many other things. First, I was soooooooooooooooooo enthusiast, but as day goes by everything turns around. I mean that I've known that as a college student especially a Medical student has no time to waste your time! Since that time, I was like being yelled of sentences 'Hellooooooooo! Anak kedokteran mah sana belajar aja, gausah foya-foya ngamburin duit org tua, lu pada kuliah aja jg udah pada ngamburin duit ortu'. Hiks..............
Suddenly I felt like, emaaaaaak, bapaaaaak maaf yak. And I convince both of them that I CAN DO MY BEST AND MAKE THEM PROUD AS MY PARENTS.
Well okay, until the 4th months of college, I felt like damn, I got sooo slimmer. hahahahahaha. I got a very successful diet on reading books, resuming things, having one-to-two hours sleeping in a day, etc. Well that's my diet key guys. hahahahh (don't try this at home, it causes an injure especially for your stomach).
Till I met December of 2013, 2013 was coming to its end by the way...............
we decided to spend a new year's eve togeter, me and some of my college friends. New friends of my heart. I mean like, it's been 4 months since we first knew each other but it felt like we've been bestfriends for years! and For God's sake, most of them areeeeeee sooooooo kind!!!!!!!!!
Holycrap it's 2013 man, and there are still kind people as them. Great. Thanks God whauahah.
So briefly, I felt so happy spending New year's eve with them. They even can replace a boyfriend-position in my heart. Wow! Guess how powerful they are!
We cooked, we laughed, we spread loves, we chilled, we fired, we did things, we love each other.
00:15 am
From Left to Right: Zaki, Tika, Billy
Part of you,
Nurulrezki Atika

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