Saturday, February 25, 2012

Thousands Miles Far From Home.

First I was thinking that I was the only Indonesian student who live in Napoli, Italy. It was so despressing. I felt hardly blue to realize that I live in Napoli which is 893 km far from Torino, and 756 km far from Brescia. Two other girls who live there named Rifa and Seira. I desired as hell to go at least to meet both of them. Sometimes I just treat myself crazy like; damn, I'm so fucking alone here, there's no one even just to talk to (because at that time, Ari, an Indonesian lady was going back to Indonesia with her husband and her two sons). As days went by, boredom greeted me that often. Then after weeks, someone added me to join in PPI ITALIA's group page; which is a group for Indonesian students who study and live in Italy for certain time. Then we began to talk, chat, and even tried to find each of us out. I was in Napoli so about three of Napoli's students chatted me by saying 'hello' and other things about introductions. They were Masteng, Mbak Evi, dan Mbak Sisca. Mbak Evi is actually an Indonesian language lecturer in one of big universities in Napoli, she married with an Italian man named Mauro, and they have one daughter named Lara, she's about 5 years old.
And Mbak Sisca also married with an Italian man named Francesco and they have a son named Giuseppe, while Masteng itself is a Student of two Universities in Italy; Napoli and Ancona. They are all smart people. And we began to talk to each other on facebook. They asked me where I live, where I go to school and such many other classic questions. Then, one day Mbak Evi called me and tried to talk to my Italian parents that she planned to meet me and come to my house. We were all agree. And when the day came, we all met and did such many things together. I love her daughter, Lara. So much!

Lara Russo

Months passed by, Mbak Evi and Masteng came again to my house. It was around December after Christmas. It was so fucking cold which I've never adapted to. We planned to go to Salerno together to take a walk and see a giant Christmas tree there.

Papà, Mamma, Mauro, Mbak Evi, Tika in Salerno 2011

We've visited also Pompei and other big cities in Campania together. I just loved spending days with them, when I can free and easily talk Indonesian language which I missed so freaking much. I could say all of my 'unek-unek'.

One day in Pompei

And another meeting, I thought it was our first meeting in 2012 and our first complete meeting. Me, Masteng, Mbak Evi and Mbak Sisca finally agreed to meet together on February 19th 2012 in Angri where Mbak Evi lived. The mommas (Mbak Evi and Mbak Sisca), prepared a lot of things for lunch; such as Pastas for the main menu, and other sweets and cheesy things (because basically Italian lunch is so strikely varied).
That day, we also celebrated Masteng's graduations, and 'accompanying' him before going back to Indonesia whether to stay there and get married or to continue his study. He's about to leave from Napoli on February 25th and he'll take a long flight from Milan to Jakarta on March 5th. That day, honestly was one of my happy days ever. It wasn't my last time to meet him, but I'm a little bit unsure to meet him after coming back to Indonesia, since I know It will be a little bit difficult to reach other islands; which have to be reached whether by airplanes or ships.
I won't end that day, but at the same day, It was also my deskmate's birthday, Corrado. I needed to go to his house for celebrating it also with others. And at last, at least before going to Corrado's party, I've said many things to my another-postponed-brother, Masteng. I wished a lot of the best things for him. I asked him also for wishing me back. hahaha.

Our together-lunch, February 19th 2012

Mbak Sisca and Lara

Masteng and his 'Auguri-cake'

 PPI ITALIA in Napoli.

Carolina, Lucia, Tika, Salvatore, Corrado, Giusy, Ilaria, and Giovanna

I love my exchange year, I love my Indonesian friends, and I love my half-Indonesian-and-Italian friends.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hi, kak :)
aku juga ikutan program AFS ini.
alhamdulillah atas kuasa Allah minggu ini pengumuman dari nasional udah nyampe dan aku LOLOS ^_^
ada beberapa yang aku pengen tanyain ke kakak mengenai program ini beserta beberapa hal mengenai online app yang di haruskan diisi buat syarat seleksi internasional..
tolong kirim pesan ke e-mailku:
im waitin on ya :)
anyways, inspiring bgt cerita-ceritanya kak